

Breisach am Rhein, Germany

“True Sekt culture since 1838”
In 1838, two Germans from Aachen, Peter Geldermann and William Deutz, founded their first winery in the Champagne. Later on, their descendants returned to Germany, taking with them the unique culture of sparkling wine and the necessary professional skills. Today, this sparkling wine producer is based in Breisach am Rhein.
The Geldermann Privatsektkellerei, however, remains true to its French roots, using traditional bottle fermentation only. This philosophy forms the basis for the producer’s unique and distinctive Sekt varieties. A true Geldermann has always been made with loving care from only the very best grape varieties.
The secret lies in the Cuvée.
For generations now, the Geldermann Privatsektkellerei has been crafting true masterpieces out of combinations of different grape varieties. The Chef de Cave, Marc Gauchey, blends the best characteristics of each variety to create his works of art. Tradition dictates that the Cuvées must ferment for at least one year in the bottle. This is how the typical Geldermann taste comes into being.

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