

Region Stuttgart, Germany


With their company LUST & FEAST, based in the Baden-Württemberg town of Wolfschlugen near Stuttgart, founders Dr. Thomas Himmer and Dennis Schäfer have set an ambitious vision: they aim to make alcohol-free beverages socially accepted while creating moments of enjoyment that don’t rely on alcohol to be extraordinary. LUST & FEAST’s premium aperitifs have only been on the market since 2024, but the young company is already collaborating with renowned partners across Germany to advance the vision of the Swabian founders. Recently, their aperitif “BUCCO” was honored with the World Beverage Innovation Award 2024 in the “Low / No Alcohol” category.

With their products, the founders of LUST & FEAST bring a touch of elegance and uniqueness to the glass – entirely alcohol-free. Their offerings combine alcohol-free innovation, exceptional taste, ready-to-enjoy convenience, and aesthetic appeal.

The alcohol-free beverages are based on natural plant extracts and are not imitations of existing alcoholic counterparts. Instead, the company seeks to create unique taste experiences that captivate and delight sophisticated palates. Since the production process completely avoids fermentation, a guaranteed 0.0% alcohol by volume is achieved. This makes LUST & FEAST perfectly aligned with contemporary trends.

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