The distinctive characteristics of Toro wines have made them famous throughout the world. Enjoying considerable prestige since time immemorial, they have cemented the city of Zamora’s reputation as one of the world’s best wine-growing areas.
A number of factors have contributed to the outstanding quality of the wines from the region, especially those that carry the Toro designation and stem from around 5,500 hectares of vineyards.
During the Middle Ages, Toro wines were granted royal privileges that allowed them to be sold in towns and cities where other wine sales were prohibited.
In addition to their special characteristics, Toro wines also stand out due to their grape varieties and winemaking process. The Toro designation of origin is carried by numerous internationally acclaimed wines from the region’s estates.
Due to the way it has adapted to the area’s climatic conditions and soils, the grape variety used has a very high alcohol potential. Consequently, in order to produce more supple wines, the harvesting time was gradually brought forward, the maceration times were changed, and alternative processing methods (such as destemming) investigated.
The Bodega Teso La Monja winery searched for soils within the Toro DO capable of conveying the maximum amount of minerality. Together with the old pre-phylloxera vines, this has enabled them to create a range of unique wines. These auspicious soils are worked in an efficient and sustainable manner, respecting the cycles and biorhythms of the plant – not neglecting modern winemaking techniques, but always in harmony with the rhythms of nature.